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Erectile Dysfunction In Young Men

We have all come to expect the arrival of erectile dysfunction as a natural and unavoidable side effect of growing old; however, most of us like to pretend that erectile dysfunction does not affect younger men with some degree of regularity. Younger men can be affected by various forms of sexual dysfunction such as low libido, delayed orgasm, premature ejaculation, and of course erectile dysfunction.

Erectile Dysfunction In Young Men

Erectile dysfunction is a field that has been studied thoroughly over the past one hundred years, and advancements in medical knowledge have enabled a deeper understanding of the risk factors related to the sudden appearance of premature erectile dysfunction. Nevertheless, most of the previous clinical investigations have focused on patients of advanced age with specific cardiovascular illness. However, the incidence of erectile dysfunction in young men who do not have a clinical cardiovascular disease has not been entirely explained.

In a recent study published in the International Journal of Impotence Research, the role of dietary factors concerning erectile dysfunction was addressed. In this study, a total of 100 young men with confirmed erectile dysfunction were compared with 100 young men without erectile dysfunction. The prevalence of known risk factors such as hypertension and hypercholesterolemia was adjusted for so that only individual dietary intake was measured against the incidence of erectile dysfunction.

Dietary intake was assessed and calculated with regard to the consumption of approximately 140 foods and beverages. The study concluded that subjects who were heavier and had a higher body mass index were more likely to develop erectile dysfunction prematurely. It was also observed that the intake of vegetables, fruits, nuts, and healthy fats was significantly lower in patients who presented erectile dysfunction. Thus the study concluded that young men with erectile dysfunction often lead lives rife with unhealthy dietary patterns.

Doctor Andre Guay published a study in 1998 that concluded that stopping cigarette smoking significantly improved men’s ability to attain and retain erections. According to the data released, a marked improvement was seen in the tumescence and rigidity of the subjects’ penises as promptly as 24 hours after the cessation of tobacco inhalation. Smoking is thought to induce erectile dysfunction by affecting arteriosclerotic vascular integrity. The fact that millions of men between the ages of 20 and 40 smoke regularly is statistically significant to the incidence of erectile dysfunction in younger men.

Another critical risk factor to consider regarding the prevalence of erectile dysfunction in young men is the generalized levels of stress and anxiety that run rampant in today’s society. Work commitments, familial responsibilities, and of course sexual performance anxiety are constant sources of stress and have been demonstrated to increase erectile dysfunction. Stress has long been known to cause an uptick in the production of cortisol, and increased levels of cortisol are known to reduce blood testosterone levels in men significantly. Reduced testosterone has the unfortunate side effect of lowering libido and increasing the probability of developing sexual dysfunction.

Thankfully, experiencing a bout of erectile dysfunction is not without solution, especially in younger men. By adopting specific lifestyle habits such as a modified diet, a reduction in the consumption of tobacco products, and appropriate stress management young men can go a long way in treating and curing erectile dysfunction.

How to Replenish Depleted Semen Reserves By Eating the Right Foods & More

We’ve all been there at some time or another, the orgasms are still as intense, but it seems we’re running on empty in the white stuff department. Dwindling supplies of semen can happen for a plethora of reasons.

Maybe you’ve noticed that with age your body has become unable to produce as much semen as it did when you were younger. Or, perhaps as a result of your insatiable sexual appetite, your body is unable to bridge the gap between supply and demand. Whether genetic or otherwise, all men can experience a reduction in their semen volume at some point in their lives, and it’s usually nothing to worry or obsess about.

While being short on semen may have no direct impact on your sexual function or performance in the bedroom, it may have an effect on your self esteem and confidence. And it’s primarily because of these confidence related issues, that more and more semen improvement products now litter the male enhancement marketplace.

These mystical pills supposedly filled with rare plant substances gathered by monks from some of the most remote places in the world, not only promise to add inches to your manhood, but also promise to help you blow bigger loads, thus enabling you to radiate and bask in a renewed sense of masculinity.

For this article we’ll free ourselves from the disillusion that magical pills and beans hold the answer to everything, and instead focus on proven everyday methods that can help you manufacture more semen.


Maybe days or weeks have passed since you last ejaculated, and then you explode like a volcano producing more semen than you normally would do with several orgasms combined. Well, this neat little trick is purely one of abstinence, that will surely impress you and possibly your partner more than any pill on the market. However, some individuals can often reach the point of diminishing returns sooner rather than later. Meaning that 3 or 4 days may provide the optimal peak point of volume, and anything longer is pleasure foregone.


What does edging mean? The concise explanation for edging would be the purposeful act of building your orgasm up to the point of climax and then balancing on the edge. The more series of build ups you get, the bigger your orgasm will be. Edging can sometimes be a highly disciplined act for many men to master, due to the self control needed. But the reward makes the wait a blissfully worthwhile one.


Another important factor in helping to keep your semen levels high is your general physical health, specifically, what you put in to your body. A good diet and plenty of water will ensure your body has all it needs to produce plenty of semen.

Healthy-sperm-FoodsZinc is a big player in the semen volume and testosterone stakes. If you’re unable to consume the quantities needed from food alone, think about supplements. The optimal daily allowance is about 20mg, with the average diet giving you about 10mg.

If you do decide to ramp this amount up beyond the optimal amount, then do so only for short periods before giving your body a break. Amounts which continuously exceed 100mg daily may prove more harmful than beneficial in the long run.

1. Celery

A lot of men swear by celery for helping to improve their semen levels. On the surface it sounds like a bit of an old wife’s tale. But nevertheless, there are numerous accounts of men online who say that by consuming 3-4 stalks a day (often coated in peanut butter) they saw an increase in their semen amount.

Protein intake has been linked to semen volume, so its likely that the rich abundance of protein found in nuts could explain some of this increase in semen. Of course, one should always be wary of claims when connected to brand names, but there’s no monetary motivation for individuals espousing the benefits of celery and peanut butter! Unless its a celery farmer with acres of the green crop he just can’t sell.

2. Bananas
Want to increase your libido, stamina and sex drive? Maybe you should eat a banana per day instead of an apple. Bananas contain an enzyme called Bromelain and stamina producing vitamin B.

3. Dark Chocolate
Rich dark chocolate contains L-Arginine HCL. This amino acid is proven to double semen and sperm volume. L-Arginine HCL could also boost your pleasure by giving you more intense orgasms, an added perk!

4. Oysters
Oysters contain that all important trusty ingredient zinc, that can help boost testosterone. Testosterone controls sex drive, virility, energy and fertility. Oysters can also act as aphrodisiacs, putting you in the mood for sex more often.

5. Maca
Maca is a plant from Peru where the people swear by its powers. In a 12 week study, men took 1,500 to 3,000 milligrams of maca extract per day. They reported increased semen quantity, sperm volume and sperm motility. The trial subjects also reported an increase in sexual desire. However, there are many different strains, grades and strengths out there, so trying to find the right one that offers good results can be a bit of a hit and miss affair.

6. Walnuts
Walnuts are packed with natural omega-3 fatty acids. These omega-3’s have been found to increase blood flow to the genitals and increase sperm count. What is also great is that eating walnuts will also reduce your risk or heart attack and lower your cholesterol. Plus walnuts contain almost twice as much antioxidants any other nut. An overall healthier body leads to a healthier fertility and a more active sex life.

The Pubic Bush: Natural Look or Shaved

Pubic hair… The natural hirsute look that the French and others are so well known for, or shaved. What looks best?

Through the tall green grass he ambles on this bright autumnal day, lightly carving a trail for all those who dare follow in his footsteps this far from civilization. He casts his gaze upwards to the cloudless clear blue sky, allowing his face to bask in the warmth of the suns rays for just a few moments.

He looks around and smiles as he hears only the sound of mother nature gently busying herself. A small stream lazily winding its way through the coppery leaved trees ahead, bees collecting their precious nectar from the last flowers of summer, and the birds cheerfully singing their songs.

Ahh peace, nothing to distract the mind, well nothing except for the pubic hair getting trapped under the seat of his pants and stuck inside his fly zipper. Enough is enough he thinks, when I get home I shall shave the whole lot off and rock the smooth shaven look. OK, now while the scene that serves as the catalyst for removal of one’s pubic hair will likely be far different to the one outlined here, many of you at some point in your lives will contemplate mowing your lawn for any number of reasons.

The Pubic Bush: Natural Look or Shaved

Up until the early 80’s, most female bodies were still proudly furnished with that most feminine crown of womanhood – the pubic bush. However, for the last 30 years or so, most women in the Western world have succumbed to the pressures of shaving their vagina to fit in to a body hair free obsessed society. Whether this pressure to shave comes from loved ones, peers or companies promoting the smooth look, more and more women and men are reaching for their razors and banishing their bush forever.

That prominent and seductive thatch of untamed womanly hair that once distinguished the young from the sexually mature, and offered sexual charm and character to an otherwise featureless landscape, has now for many years become unfashionable. It’s all about hygiene the advertising companies lamented, dizzy with dollar signs in their eyes. And those last vestiges of feminine wholesomeness in the 90’s were soon stripped away as people quickly conformed to a life of bare necessities below.

It wasn’t long before modern man followed down the same path, although for slightly different reasons to women. For those men who wanted to offer the illusion of having a larger penis, trimming the bush or even shaving it off completely could often achieve this look. Young or old, male or female, to shave or not to shave should be a matter of choice based ideally on how You feel, and not what others around you think or feel.

If you are thinking about shaving your bush, then there are many ways to do this without accidentally cutting yourself.

Electric trimmer – If you have one available, these can often prove a better solution for removing the long hair first. Although use with caution, as they can sometimes nick the skin and cause small cuts.

Electric shavers – Like the trimmers above, these do a near perfect job of removing all the left over stubble after trimming, leading to a nice smooth baby bum finish. The benefit of going the electric route is the time it saves you going to the bathroom and performing a wet soapy shave. This time quickly adds up if you’re shaving regularly to remove all the annoying itchy stubble everyday.

Hair removal cream – These creams have been a sure fire method for removing unwanted body hair for both men and women for many generations. Lots of women have probably already used different hair removal creams with varying success. Some of these creams can cause rashes and lead to skin becoming dry and sensitive, so they should be used with caution.

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