Spice Up Your Masturbation With 5 New and Exciting Techniques

Many of us are creatures of habit. Whether its taking the same route to work everyday, eating the same meal or simply pleasuring ourselves in the same old way. It’s worked well this way for many years, so why should we change?

As the old saying goes: If it’s not broken, don’t fix it. This may be true to a point, however, if you don’t open the door to new experiences, you’ll never know what you may be missing out on.

Whether its trying tasty new recipes in the kitchen or experimenting with exciting new ways to make love or masturbate in the bedroom, it can all help to broaden your appreciation of what life has to offer. And experimenting with masturbation is no exception when it comes to seeing how green the grass is on the other side.

Masturbation techniques are often learned from a young age and usually remain the same as the years roll by. Yet, there are many different methods that may help to add a bit more spice to an otherwise jaded jerking off routine.

As you’ll see below, there can be a little more variation when it comes to masturbation than the standard five knuckle shuffle, that probably most men have been practicing since the Stone Age. So why not switch things up now and then with these five new tail tickling techniques, to help keep things fun and fresh when you’re enjoying some alone time.


1. The Hand

This chilling yet thrilling masturbation technique is a real Halloween treat, that’s sure to get your tail in a spin and your heart racing. A method once only known to just a select few in hushed circles, has now grown in popularity as more men hear about it through the grapevine.

When it comes to masturbation, the trick is to deceive your penis into believing your hand is a vagina, or a woman’s hand for that matter.

So, “The Hand” method draws neatly on this premise by offering your penis something it doesn’t feel is already a part of you. Here’s how its done: Sit on which ever hand you plan to use until it goes numb and loses sensation, then put it to work.

At first it may be awkward masturbating when your hand is numb, but with a bit of practice it becomes easier and feels like the hand truly belongs to someone else.

2. The Eternal Vagina

A quirky spin on the basic five knuckle shuffle we all know and love. However, instead of keeping only one hand clamped to your penis in a rhythmic up and down motion, this method utilizes both hands.

The way its performed is like this: Apply a little lubrication to both hands, and then slide the first hand down the penis using a loose or tight fisted grip.

As soon as the glands pops into view, slide the other hand down the penis to the base of the shaft. Continue this action of alternating between both hands until the inevitable climatic finale.

3. Hot Dog

Who doesn’t love a nice frankfurter served hot on a bun? Well, this method that we’ve aptly named the “Hot Dog”, calls into play your belly and one lubed up hand which acts as the bun. Your penis then gets comfortably sandwiched between these two opposing forces to create the much needed heat and friction.

It’s simple: Get an erection then lay it flat against your stomach, and then use the hand with lubrication to rhythmically rub your penis. You can start with just one finger, then ratchet up the sensation by adding more and rubbing in different directions. It’s delightfully simple yet highly effective.

4. The Lonely Hand

Whether you’re right or left handed, it’s quite possible that you’ve neglected the other weaker hand for many years when its come to ‘play time’. The idea behind this method of masturbation, is to bring your less dominant hand to the party to enjoy the fun.

Aside from giving your main shuffle hand a break, it offers your penis a refreshing experience by shifting the sensation of pressure, angle and speed. Your penis has been used to being handled by the same hand for many years, so this will come as a welcome relief.

5. The Mattress Mistress

We’ve saved the best to last here, with our 5 fun and inventive ways to masturbate. Some of you may of already heard about this awesome ‘hands free’ technique before.

Whatever you choose to call it, when it comes to masturbation, it really is about as close as you’ll ever get to feeling like its the real thing.

Here’s the basic setup: Find a soft towel or something similar and place it folded between the base of the bed and the mattress. Next, insert your erect penis between aforementioned and start thrusting.

You can experiment with this method by lubing up the material, or placing weights on the bed for a snugger and tighter fit. The only limit here is your imagination, so enjoy!

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