The Pubic Bush: Natural Look or Shaved

Up until the early 80’s, most female bodies were still proudly furnished with that most feminine crown of womanhood – the pubic bush. However, for the last 30 years or so, most women in the Western world have succumbed to the pressures of shaving their vagina to fit in to a body hair free obsessed society.

Whether this pressure to shave comes from loved ones, peers or companies promoting the smooth look, more and more women and men are reaching for their razors and banishing their bush forever.

That prominent and seductive thatch of untamed womanly hair that once distinguished the young from the sexually mature, and offered sexual charm and character to an otherwise featureless landscape, has now for many years become unfashionable.

It’s all about hygiene the advertising companies lamented, dizzy with dollar signs in their eyes. And those last vestiges of feminine wholesomeness in the 90’s were soon stripped away as people quickly conformed to a life of bare necessities below.

It wasn’t long before modern man followed down the same path, although for slightly different reasons to women. For those men who wanted to offer the illusion of having a larger penis, trimming the bush or even shaving it off completely could often achieve this look.

Young or old, male or female, to shave or not to shave should be a matter of choice based ideally on how You feel, and not what others around you think or feel.

If you are thinking about shaving your bush, then there are many ways to do this without accidentally cutting yourself.

Electric trimmer

If you have one available, these can often prove a better solution for removing the long hair first. Although use with caution, as they can sometimes nick the skin and cause small cuts.

Electric shavers

Like the trimmers above, these do a near perfect job of removing all the left over stubble after trimming, leading to a nice smooth baby bum finish. The benefit of going the electric route is the time it saves you going to the bathroom and performing a wet soapy shave. This time quickly adds up if you’re shaving regularly to remove all the annoying itchy stubble everyday.

Hair removal cream

These creams have been a sure fire method for removing unwanted body hair for both men and women for many generations. Lots of women have probably already used different hair removal creams with varying success. Some of these creams can cause rashes and lead to skin becoming dry and sensitive, so they should be used with caution.