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Learn How To Jelq Using Videos

One of the key exercises to enlarging the penis is Jelqing. It forms the foundation of any good penis enlargement exercise routine. Once you've mastered the art of how to Jelq properly using videos and Jelqing tutorials, you'll be well on your way to seeing positive results within the first month. Combining Jelqs with penis stretching exercises, will ensure you reach your goal of growing your penis to its full potential.

How To Jelq

Many of our members who perform these exercises regularly have added more than 2 inches to the length of their penis, and over an inch or more to the girth of their erect and flaccid penis. It's important when you start performing the Jelq method, to always follow a good jelqing video guide. These videos walk you through all the different ways to Jelq, ensuring you learn to Jelq safely without causing any damage to your penis.

All to often when men find out about these natural penis exercises, they have a tendency to get stuck straight in without using a proper Jelqing video to guide them. Unfortunately, for those guys who have no idea of how to Jelq correctly, results will be slow.

The information we offer in our members area has been carefully designed to start you off on the right foot, and is important for the overall development and growth of your penis. Injuries to the penis can often occur when men begin putting the health of their penis into the hands of free information they've found online, which can quite easily result in weeks or even months to recover from.

Written instructions on all the various exercises are important, but a much easier way to learn is by watching Jelq videos being performed by real people.

Jelqing without knowing how to jelq properly, is about as useful for encouraging penis growth as not doing this exercise at all. In other words, if your technique is wrong, don't be surprised if it takes much longer for your penis to grow. Its not rocket science, but these exercise methods DO need to be fully understood to make them effective.

Use a Jelqing Video Tutorial

Some of the Jelq and stretching exercises we have in our exclusive members area, should only be used once you have used the beginners routine for a period of 4 weeks or more. This warming up phase allows the delicate penis tissues, ligaments, blood vessels and nerves to become conditioned to the stress placed upon them by these exercises.

If you increase the workload too soon, you risk over-training your penis, resulting in slower gains. The Jelq is always done when the penis is in the semi-erect state, never fully erect. One of the many benefits to practising Jelqing, besides getting a bigger penis, is learning to control the ejaculation process. Our unique collection of videos will teach you everything you need to know about Jelqing and training the PC muscles.

When you force more blood into the Corpora Cavernosa, the cells divide and multiply through a process known as cellular division, the outcome is a bigger penis. Be consistent, and train safely, and you WILL reach your goal.

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