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Ways To Increase Ejaculate Volume

It is a primal instinct for men to father children, and, because a woman’s instincts instruct her to bear children, she is naturally more attracted to those men who are more sexually potent and virile. Higher sperm counts will increase your partner’s chances at getting pregnant, so a larger ejaculation is associated with fertility.

Ways To Increase Ejaculate Volume

That instinct to reproduce is virtually impossible for women to resist.  Women will also judge your virility in at least three different ways: intentionally, emotionally, and subconsciously. Since ladies will measure your sexual performance on so many different levels, you need to do everything you can to strengthen your ability and ejaculation naturally.

There are many things that can improve the quality and quantity of ejaculations. Your food consumption, exercise, and sexual activities all play a part in increasing the amount. The size and potency can be raised as a result of the foods you eat, frequency of sex, and regular penis exercise techniques.

Raising your fluid intake by sipping a lot of fresh water throughout the day, is a simple, cost-free and effective way to naturally increase the amount you ejaculate. You can raise your sperm count even more by eating foods that contain certain amino acids, such as L-lysine , L-carnitine, and L-arginine. These amino acids can be found in foods that are rich in proteins, like eggs, cheese and meats. These foods also contain proteins that are important to semen production.

These proteins will help build up volume, and also improve the consistency of your semen by thickening it. Other additions to your diet would be foods like walnuts, fish, and shrimp which contain omega-3 oils. Zinc can be found in foods like wheat germ and oysters, and can also build up your body’s testosterone production. Selenium can be found in most of these foods, and will help further improve both the volume and the quality of your sperm.

Sexual activity will result in an obvious effect on the volume of sperm that is discharged upon ejaculation. Avoiding sex or masturbation for a couple of days will certainly result in increased amounts of sperm being released. But if you go for much longer than that, you won’t really notice a difference. Your body will only produce so much sperm, then stops. Then you have to release it to make room for more, then production will be started again. You can find out about how much time it takes you to replenish yourself, then work out the details on timing from that point.

The very best approach to increasing your volume, is getting your penis and body in good shape. Getting physically fit and exercising your penis and pelvic floor muscles, will naturally stimulate semen production in the testicles, and improve the blood flow to the genital region. This will result in bigger and more satisfying ejaculations, and more pleasure for your partner. With this added boost to your volume and sexual potency, you will be sure to leave a lasting impression with any women you meet. Click here for more ideas on increasing your volume.

PC Muscle Exercises For Men: Get Stronger Erections Naturally

Just like any other muscle in your body, you need to work on your penis so that it doesn’t get soft as you get older. Erectile dysfunction and the need for Viagra is not inevitable like some people think, but rather just an excuse to turn to drugs in the place of working on your health.

Fortunately, there are natural ways to avoid this cycle of poor health, and support stronger and firmer erections safely. Different factors affect the hardness of your erection, but one of the biggest is the pubococcygeus muscle, better known as the PC. The stronger your PC muscle is, the harder and more durable your erections will be over time.

PC Muscle Exercises For Men

The PC muscle works to stop the flow of urine, and can be squeezed and clenched to move and harden the penis, but just like any other muscle, it will atrophy if it is not exercised and used regularly. Luckily, there are several things that you can do to strengthen your PC muscle naturally and safely. The first is a quick squeeze; squeeze the PC muscle as tightly as you can, and hold it for two seconds, releasing and relaxing for two seconds. Repeat as necessary and focus on 20-50 repetitions at a time.

The second is a slower PC squeeze, where you squeeze and hold the muscle as tightly as possible for 15 seconds, releasing slowly and relaxing for five seconds. As with the first exercise, repeat as necessary and focus on anywhere from 10 to 20 repetitions at a time.

Finally, the long squeeze can work wonders on the PC muscle, where you hold the muscle as tightly as you can for a full 60 seconds. Relax it and rest for 60 seconds, and begin again with a new repetition. Try to do five or ten of these reps every day for maximum strength and erection hardening. Just like you would with any other exercise program, it’s important to start out slowly and build the intensity safely over time. Start with lower numbers of repetitions and build them up slowly, and see your penis becoming stronger and more erect from these workouts.

After four to eight weeks on the program, you will experience stronger and healthier erections that last much longer, and other great benefits; like more powerful ejaculations, more intense orgasms, the ability to have multiple orgasms, plus, be able to control your ejaculations, allowing you to increase your sexual stamina in bed so you can give your partner more satisfaction.

With access to the right information, it becomes relatively easy to support stronger and harder erections naturally without popping pills. DreamPenisGuide has some of the best kegel tutorials for helping you to reach your goals of getting bigger and stronger erections.

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