Erection Exercises to Thicken and Widen Your Penis

Doing exercises that focus specifically on the corpora cavernosa can be an effective form of enhancement for men. The erectile tissues in the penis, otherwise known as the corpora cavernosa, is the term used for the two chambers within the penile shaft.

These chambers fill up with fresh blood during the arousal stage to form an erection. There’s many methods or exercises available that can target this area and provide many sexual benefits.

The development of a thicker, wider erection is the main goal of men who practice these enlargement methods regularly. Many women openly state they enjoy a well endowed girth over length. And the good news for those men who perform these exercises, is that making the penis thicker and heavier can often be easier than making it longer.

tape measure

Warm Your Penis Up Before Exercise

Before performing any exercise, it’s important to have a warm-up routine to help you relax and prepare. One way to do this is to soak a towel in warmish water. Try not to get the water too hot here as you want to gain tissue relaxation, not pain or discomfort.

Now wrap this towel around the penis and keep it there until the cloth begins to go cold. Repeat this action about ten minutes and you should be properly warmed up for your session.

Doing the Jelqing Exercise

Jelqing is a popular penile exercise that originated in the middle east and has been practiced for hundreds of years. It involves massaging the penis in a way that forces fresh blood towards the head.

After you are properly warmed up you want to make sure you are semi-erect before starting the exercise. Now, apply lubrication, like petroleum jelly or oil, to both hands.

Begin by holding your thumb and index finger around the base firmly, and start moving your hand towards the tip slowly. Repeat this about 200 times for each session.

The point is not to masturbate here, so if you feel you are nearing ejaculation you should stop. Doing this exercise every day can cause the corpora cavernosa to expand, leading to a larger and stronger erection.

Performing the Stretching Exercise

This exercise mimics the hanging technique. Hanging is a form of male enhancement that involves stretching the ligaments of the penis by attaching a small weight around the head. Most people aren’t interested in something this extreme, but it is possible to gain a positive effect without using the weight.

Again, start with the warm-up and then make sure that you are flaccid and completely dry. Grab onto the base of your penis and include the testicles. Then tug forward until you feel a complete stretch in the area between your testicles and penis.

Don’t pull very hard though. You should feel pressure, but not pain. Repeat this about four times a session. Doing this stretch can extend the chambers of the corpora cavernosa and provide a notable increase in the length of your erection over time.

Exercises that focus on enhancing the corpora cavernosa can provide great benefits to your sex life. This part of the penis is where the blood collects to form an erection. Exercises can increase the amount of blood it can hold, which can lead to length, girth, and much stronger erections.

Don’t forget to warm-up before performing these jelqing and stretching exercises. Practice them daily and you should see notable results within only a few months.

3 thoughts on “Erection Exercises to Thicken and Widen Your Penis”

  1. Slowly, slowly, catchy monkey, as they say. I have never been one to rush things and this is a great tip for those who are a bit too quick about sex too. A lot of the enjoyment is the warming up and being able to hold back and wait not only improves performance but pleasure too, so this girth technique would be great to help with taking things slowly.


  2. Weights? I never heard of attaching weights to make your penis longer. Wow. This method sounds a heck of a lot easier and a lot more fun. And like Simon stated, it seems like it would definitely help with stamina too. The longer – both in measurement and time – the better for some women.

  3. My husband could lift a pair of tennis shoes tied around his penis. He did male kegels daily, and the sex was phenomenal. It is worth it to work it out…women will beat down your door, and yes, he could go for hours…

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