Penis enlargement is definitely far from a new concept. All over the world, men have been trying to change the size of their penis for possibly hundreds of years. Some of these techniques have worked well, and they don’t require lots of money, fancy equipment, or sketchy pills. Just read through these natural methods to increase your penis length by one inch or more.
Hanging Weights to Change Penis Length
Hanging is possibly the oldest method of enhancing the penis. Various tribes throughout India and Africa would “hang” heavy objects from the head of the penis, such as rocks. This is left on for a couple hours every day, and occasionally includes some simple exercises as well. Keeping this up would eventually lead to increased flexibility in the ligaments, causing the penis to grow larger.
Don’t let the idea of this turn you away. While it can be dangerous, no one suggests that the object has to be extremely heavy. The weights do not have to be huge to be effective. If it’s done correctly it will increase the length of the penis and also has the potential to enhance the strength of your erections. However, if its done incorrectly, it could easily result in a trip to your local A&E dept. Suffice it to say, there are safer alternatives such as natural enlargement exercises.
Improve Your Erectile Strength by Performing Kegels
The penis is primarily made of smooth muscle and erectile tissues, and even though they aren’t the same as other muscles of the body, they can still be improved through exercising. The pelvic floor muscles are very important to your sexual health. You can train these muscles by doing PC exercises, or kegels as they’re more commonly known.
Access to the muscles of the pelvic floor can be achieved by attempting to control the flow of urine. Remember the muscles that were used during this action, and lay down. Now, with the knees bent, start contracting this muscle group. Focus on your form, and remember to not hold your breath. Repeating this exercise can greatly increase the flow of blood. This will lead to a harder erection that lasts longer.
Increase Penis Length by Jelqing
The size of the penis can also be increased through the exercise known as jelqing. This penis enlargement technique has origins in the Middle East. Jelqing encourages the penis to increase in size by performing various stretching and milking movements. This makes larger cavities for blood to flow through, making for a harder and bigger penis.
To start the exercise, your penis should be semi-erect. Next, you will need to put lubricant on both your hands. With a firm grip, put your thumb and index finger at the beginning of the shaft. Start pulling your hands toward the head of your penis slowly, and avoid loosening your grip. Once that hand reaches the tip, use your other hand to perform the same motion and repeat. Do this for about 100 reps every day.
Changing the size of your penis is possible, which is why so many products and techniques have been invented; some are even hundreds of years old. But there is no need to depend on costly and often risky methods to achieve this. Joining a penis training program like DreamPenisGuide, will definitely increase the length and health of your penis in no time.