How To Make Your Penis Bigger

So, you want to add more size to your penis? Well, you can find some comfort knowing that you’re not alone. If you’re unhappy with the size of your penis, then you’ll be pleased to know that you can make it bigger without surgery.

Surgical procedures are costly, and can often pose risks to your penile health. Surgery also requires you to keep your penis in traction for many months, to help avoid shrinkage and scar formation.

Non-surgical exercise methods can be used to expand the penis tissues, without the risk of harmful side-effects. By using your hands to apply force to the ligaments, you can gradually grow the penis tissues in thickness and in length.


These special lengthening and thickening techniques, apply tension and compression to all parts of the penis. A lasting increase in circumference occurs, when the Corpora Cavernosa is repeatedly forced to expand under pressure to accommodate more blood.

Making Your Penis Bigger Naturally

The ligaments take time to be stretched longer, so patience is required to see good gains. The tunica consists of multiple layers of tough rubber-like collagen. In fact, it’s the strongest fascia in the human body, and just like your ligaments, it also take time to enlarge.

By using the right type of exercise techniques, it’s more than possible to expand the size of your penis with only minimal effort. However, care must be taken to perform your exercises correctly, as this not only helps you to avoid injury, it also helps to speed up growth.

We often receive emails from men asking us how to make your penis grow thicker and longer? And the reply we often give is to start jelqing. The jelq and it’s many variants are often the ideal exercises for beginners. Not only are they fairly low intensity enlargement methods, but they’re also easy to learn, and often produce the fastest initial gains in the shortest time.

The main danger with Jelqing, is one of over-enthusiasm. This “train for as long as I can” attitude, often accounts for most failings. Over-training the penis will do nothing to help it grow. Instead it will just slow your gains down.

Jelqing can be an effective exercise that produces good results when performed correctly. However, Jelqing by itself, is sometimes unable to create sufficient pressure to expand the resilient internal structures of the penis. For this reason, it would be wise to use other more intense exercises in combination with the Jelq.

How to Naturally Increase Penis Girth

Penis clamping is an advanced girth workout technique. The clamp method should only be used once your penis is fully accustomed to your training routine, as it has the power to create a large amount of pressure on all parts of the penis. When used together with edging, this technique can often cause your penis to swell up and inflate like a balloon by at least one or more inches in circumference.

The clamping method of girth enhancement, along with others, can often result in lasting gains of possibly one inch or more over time. When you consider just how important girth is for giving women pleasure, you’ll see the enormous potential that these methods have to offer those men who are serious.

The DreamPenisGuide online program features some of the best tutorials available, on how to clamp and exercise your penis safely for lasting gains.