Penis enlargement is a multimillion dollar industry these days, with some buyers willing to purchase almost any product in a bid to increase the size of their member.
With everything from surgical implants to gels and lotions on the market, it may surprise many to find that one of the most reliable methods for increasing penis size is completely natural and totally free.
It’s safe and relatively easy to do, with no special equipment or clothing needed. It’s called the ballooning technique and its simple requirements are time, effort and a decent supply of self-control.
The theory behind the ballooning technique is pretty straightforward. As the blood vessels in the penis become full during an erection, the blood, as well as testosterone and other hormones, begins to push into the soft, spongy tissue that surrounds the blood vessels.
The more blood/hormone mixture that tissue holds, the bigger and harder the erection will become. Over time, with controlled exercises that force that tissue to hold as much blood as it can for relatively long stretches of time, the penis will become naturally larger and stronger, able to provide erections that are longer and harder.
While there are many different descriptions of ballooning from on-line sources, the developer of this exercise, Dr. Newman K. Lin, offers seminars on it from his website for the Lin Institute.
Although each source will likely offer some difference in the details of ballooning, the overall goal is the same. You want to send as much blood and sex hormones as possible to the genitals. This can be achieved by massaging the area around the base of the penis, including the groin and testicles.
This will stimulate sexual hormones and blood circulation. Using your imagination or manual stimulation, work to get an erection, but avoid stroking the sensitive head of the penis, as this will often provoke an ejaculation.
Once a solid erection has developed, continue stroking the shaft of the penis (still avoiding the head) until you reach the brink of orgasm. At that point, stop yourself from ejaculating and wait for a few seconds. Once the intense urge to orgasm has passed, resume stroking the shaft and repeat the exercise.
This pattern should be followed 3-4 times in one ballooning session and once daily sessions are a good idea in order to get optimal results. In Dr. Lin’s advice, participants are instructed not to orgasm at the end of their session. This is designed to allow for a build-up of beneficial hormones that should result in a larger overall member after a few weeks of consistent work.
With all of the benefits of the ballooning technique and other exercises, it’s a wonder that more men don’t try them before resorting to more extreme measures. It’s free, all-natural, easy-to-do and has proven successful for many men. In your quest for an effective penis enhancement aid, it may well be the answer you’ve been waiting for.