Penis Extender Stretcher And Extension Devices

Let’s take a look at the popular penile extender device. These gadgets are often said to be the #1 penis enlargement product for men. They may come beautifully packaged, but they also come with a very high price tag. The website will probably feature a penis size calculator, that will tease your imagination into how much size you can gain.

Why these Stretching Devices Don’t Work too Well

For a traction device to stand any chance of working, it needs to be comfortable or it won’t be worn. These products generally use a loop or something similar, which is then attached behind the glans. The coronal ridge and glans have a high concentration of delicate nerve endings. Any type of extended pressure in this region can often result in discomfort.

Penis Extender Comfort

It’s recommended 12 hours daily usage is said to produce optimal results. The truth is however, you will be much more likely to be taking ripping it off after just a few hours. Especially if the tension is cranked up high. And if you’re at work or somewhere public, good luck. Because once that discomfort starts ramping up, it becomes intolerable fairly quick. And then you’ll need to find somewhere private to remove it.

Even for those men who possess a high degree of pain tolerance, they will be tested. The penis is a robust organ, but once deprived of circulation it can get painfully sensitive. Guys often report pain, numbness, penis turning purple, and reduced blood circulation, as reasons behind putting this device in the drawer marked “waste of money”.

To see positive results of one inch or more, you would need to wear this stretching device for many months. And sadly many guys won’t be able to maintain this long term commitment to all day stretching.

Penis Extender Concealment

Concealment is also a very pertinent issue. Unless your lifestyle allows you the opportunity to wear baggy trousers  like jogging bottoms, as they’re called here in the UK, then you will undoubtedly experience problems disguising your little stretching secret from others. Also many men will try wearing penis extenders in bed whilst they sleep. This is not recommended for health reasons.

Circulation getting cut off is the most obvious one. Also if you roll over when you’re fast asleep, you could seriously end up hurting yourself. A quick look in our penis enlargement forum will highlight all these perils and many more besides, from countless men who have put all their hopes and dreams into getting a bigger penis using one of these penis stretching devices.

However, if you approach using these devices with the mindset of them being a useful companion to your penis exercise workouts, then they could work as an all day penis stretcher, for keeping the tissues stretched out after your workouts. Some men report how this can speed up penis growth. But this is providing the tension is kept low.

Penis Extender Traction Force

The traction force is the next problem faced with these devices. Said to exert 1000-1,200 grams of tensile force to help aid in the gradual lengthening of the ligaments. While this may sound like a lot on paper, in reality, it’s not. The idea behind penile traction, is to keep the penis stretched out long enough to allow the cells to divide, multiply and grow.

Now, unless you’re immune to pain, discomfort, concealment, and the inconvenience of keeping your penis stretched out for 12 hours a day, 7 days a week, for the next X? months to maybe gain one inch, you’re just not going to last.

For your penis to grow, you have to stretch several decidedly tough ligaments which anchor themselves to the pubic bone. You also have the tough ‘hard rubber’ like tunica to stretch, as well as the corpora cavernosa. The sad fact is, these extenders don’t apply sufficient force to promote noticeable growth in a manageable time frame.

It’s worth remembering that sites which make comparisons between traction devices and tribal people who enlarge their ears, lips, necks are wrong. The latter is dealing with soft pliable tissue that can be easily manipulated. The giraffe women who wear neck rings, are not lengthening their necks with traction, they’re simply pressing the clavicle down into the rib cage giving the appearance of a longer neck.

In summary, extenders serve little purpose in adding size by themselves. However, as an ADS (All day stretcher) they can help to keep the penis tissues extended after your workout, but only if the device is comfortable to wear.