This article is a follow up to our Jelqing tutorial. Below, you’ll find all the information you need for jelqing safely at home and making some good gains with corpora cavernosa exercises. There’s a lot to read through, but the benefits will make it worthwhile.
1. Warm up should be performed before doing this exercise.
2. This exercise can be performed without lubrication. However, we strongly recommend that you use lubrication while doing this exercise. Your choice for lubrication is a crucial one, because if you choose one that evaporates easily then you will have to continuously reapply it. Your best bets for Jelqing are Vaseline and Baby-Oil.
3. Care must be taken that the exercise is NOT performed during hard erection. Vascular (vein) damage could result if the penis is forcibly milked in its fully erect state.
4. Only moderate grips should be used. If you squeeze too hard, you could cause bruising and or rupturing of superficial blood vessels on and near the surface of your penis.
5. Be sure to grasp all the way around the penis, so no blood escapes.
6.If you feel the uncontrollable urge to ejaculate while performing the Jelq, you have a very weak and poorly developed ejaculatory muscle (PC). Upon the first sign of ejaculation, stop and wait for the feeling to subside. This will also teach restriction which will help when you make love. You need to really focus on PC strengthening if you can’t control ejaculation while jelqing.
7. Take only 1-2 days off every week. If you take excessive time off in-between Jelq sessions you will NOT see the kind of results you want. Results will come over time, you MUST persevere and keep exercising. Do not expect a gain of an inch in only 3 weeks of exercising. 3 weeks is not long enough to do anything, let alone gain an inch. The more you dedicate to the exercises, the more results you will see.
8. DO NOT Jelq in the shower! Most men won’t stand up for the amount of time needed to have a good Jelq session, and if you use soap you will be sore for days! A hot bath or hot-tub is good to submerse in after an intense Jelq session, and if you have either use them. The heat will keep the blood spaces expanded longer and will also promote faster healing for faster results. If you do not have either, a Hot Wrap is also good.
9. In order to encourage gains in the length of the penis, many men end each stroke in a short light stretch.
10. Whether your Circumcised/Uncircumcised makes absolutely no difference to the exercises. When jelqing for instance, we’ve found that it’s easier to retract the foreskin back over the glands. Of course you may experience difficulties keeping it there, and many suggest using your free hand to hold it down.
However, there is an easier way, which is to use a small piece of fabric just below the glands, or silicone tubing below the glands, or anything else that you can find to prevent the foreskin from riding over the glands each time you jelq upwards. Once you reach the glands you should stop and alternate with the other hand.
11. As a companion piece to the above problem, some men also find that they’re pulling the base of the scrotum up whilst jelqing, the way around this is to use a small piece of silicone tubing once again, or possibly a thick elastic band (not to tight) around the testicles to prevent them from being pulled up.
After an intense Jelq session of at least 20-30 minutes, your Corpora Cavernosa should look fuller and heavier. 20 minutes is the least amount of time you need to spend on a continuous Jelq session once you’ve overcome the soreness and red spots/bumps faze. In the beginning when you first start your Jelqing, most men experience red spots, bumps, or light bruising on the penis head and surrounding areas.
Don’t worry because this is perfectly normal and will usually subside within the first week of exercise. These are simply caused from the stretching of the blood spaces within your penis and the new increased blood circulation. To minimize these “battle wounds” start out slow, and build your self up. Below is an example of how you should start and what you should work your way up to:
The Jelq Workout Guide
1. The first week, start out by doing 300 milks a day, and then finish with a 5/10 minute hot wrap. Each milk should last between 1-2 seconds from grasping the base and sliding to the head. Do this for one week, and be sure to do 100 Kegels a day. This will aid in the new circulation and strength building taking place within your penis.
2. The second week will be much harder than the first. 10 minutes of continuous Jelqing then follow by doing 200 Kegels. Do not ease up unless you happen to feel pain which is unlikely. Apply a Hot Wrap for 5/10 minutes to finish the session.
3. The third week you should be ready for 20-30 minutes. Now, this takes more will and desire. Not every man who reads this guide is going to do these exercises all the way. Make sure you’ve warmed up properly for at least 5/10 minutes before exercising.
Once you have started, don’t stop! Keep going and keep a watch near by so you know exactly how long you have been Jelqing. Don’t look at the time too much though or you may get discouraged.
Afterwards finish off with a 5/10 minute Hot Wrap and a 300 Kegel workout. After 2 months you will know exactly how you like to Jelq and may actually add your own style to the exercise. The article below will offer more advice on how to increase your penis girth with the Jelq Technique AKA corpora cavernosa exercises.